Wednesday 11 March 2015

Auschwitz and Jeremy Clarkson

THE CURRENT suspension of popular and wealthy TV Presenter Jeremy Clarkson for "allegedly hitting a producer" (BBC sources) invites a kind of bubbling fury in me personally.

Yes, he is popular and yes he personally makes money for the BBC through the popularity of sales and so what? The man is an unprofessional, arrogant bully with a tendency to blurt out nasty insulting remarks which reveal casual intolerance of social groupings which he perceives, or declares,  to be inferior and inadequate in some way. He also expresses his intolerance of his personal notion of the criminal and idol. Certainly, this is just another incident which reveals his "out of control" petulant ego.

So why have 350,000 members of the public signed an online petition asking for his reinstatement. They obviously don't need more evidence of his inappropriate behaviour (I will enjoy listing some of his discrepancies below). Have they have just decided he's amusing and it doesn't matter, or do they agree with his intolerance. It makes you wonder.

Either way, it matters to me.

2008 Clarkson makes a joke during an episode about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes, which attracts more than 1000 complaints to the BCC.

2010 Jokes made during the show about Mexicans, which include them being branded "lazy", "feckless" and "flatulent", spark controversy and prompt an apology from the BBC to the Mexican ambassador.

2011 During a 10 minute India special a car fitted with a toilet in the boot is described by Clarkson as "perfect for India as everyone who comes here gets the trots."

2012 Clarkson is found to have breached BBC guidelines by comparing a Japanese car to people with growth on their faces.

2014 Clarkson appears to use the N word while reciting Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe during filming.

Jane Martinson, The Guardian, Wednesday March 11th, 2015

The BBC has received more than 21,000 complaints over Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson's remarks that striking public sector workers should be shot.
He was censured with his comments on The One Show and Unison called for him to be sacked. He later apologised.
Unison said it welcomed the apology and invited Clarkson to spend a day with a healthcare assistant.

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